What I learnt… building an ecommerce business in the Lake District

Dominic Allonby, executive chairman of Fruugo, said that marketplaces are only just scratching the surface of the potential trade T he Finnish ecommerce platform Fruugo reportedly invested tens of millions from 2006 in its technology but it did not expand beyond the Nordic markets. In 2012, its founders sold the venture to UK entrepreneurs Dominic Allonby and Darren Naylor. Allonby, 59 and executive chairman, lives in Ulverston, the Lake District. Building a head office team in the town, the business grew its net revenues to £30 million in 2021, supporting 1,800 small retailers selling products in 42 countries and 28 languages. An IPO planned for the autumn last year is currently “paused”.
The beauty of technology is that you don’t have to be in one place
We built a business like this from a small corner of Britain, the Lake District, because in the early
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