How To Build Financial Wealth When Starting From Nothing

stevanovicigor / Getty Images/iStockphoto Everyone wants to be rich, but that can seem like a catch-22 if you are starting with very little or even nothing. You have heard the phrase “it takes money to make money” and think you’ll never be able to build significant wealth if you don’t already have some money to work with. But that isn’t quite true; there are some simple steps you can take to build not-so-insignificant wealth over time even when you don’t have a lot of spare change.

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It’s important to remember that you have to start somewhere — even those who inherited large sums of money had parents or other relatives who built wealth somewhere along the line. While it can feel like you are behind, don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, focus on what you can control, which is your own financial situation. Once you get started, you may find it isn’t as difficult as you expected, and building wealth can be empowering. Here are some strategies to get you started.

Find Out More: 6 Ways To Start Building Generational Wealth for Your Family Live Below Your Means

Living below your means is quite simple in concept. If you don’t live below your means, that means you are spending all (or nearly all) of the money you earn. In that case, you won’t have anything left over to start saving and investing. But living below your means is one way to start getting rich. “That means you have to have more money coming in, than going out,” said Brett Sohns, co-founder at LifeGoal Investments.

When you have more money coming in than going out, you […]

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