Studies ID Ecommerce Trends

Social Driving More Commerce

Social media is one of the largest changes for the US consumer based over the past five years. However, since the beginning of the pandemic, social isn’t just about getting news or staying in touch with friends. Social is not about shopping.

That is a key takeaway from new MikMak data which should that the majority of ecommerce traffic (64%) is coming from social media, specifically from Facebook and Instagram. MikMak researchers drilled down in to how alcohol purchasers were finding their beverages of choice. And while social channels are driving the bulk of purchases, the top retail hubs include Instacart and Drisly; together the two retailers drive about 15% of all alcohol traffic. Social Strategy Calls For Shoppable Content

One of the bigger trends for social commerce, though, isn’t just about the message. It’s about consumers being able to shop directly from the content. That’s why experts are calling for more shoppable content, through which the consumer can simple click on the on-screen item to add it to the shopping cart.

According to new Accenture data social shopping neared the $500 billion mark, globally, in 2021 and by 2025 they predict social shopping will be a $1.2 trillion industry .

“The pandemic showed how much people use social platforms as the entry point for everything they do online — news, entertainment and communication.” said Robin Murdoch, global Software & Platforms industry lead at Accenture. “The steady rise in time spent on social media reflects how essential these platforms are in our daily life. They’re reshaping how people buy and sell, which provides platforms and brands with new opportunities for user experiences and revenue streams.” Shoppable Content Isn’t Just For Social Networks

The beauty of shoppable content, though, is that any content – from a blog to a […]

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