Why eCommerce websites are important for business

Why eCommerce websites are important for business

By hrichnetworks In Website , Instagram Posted March 4, 2022

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely already in business for yourself and are looking for an edge in your market. One of the best ways to get ahead is to ensure you have your own eCommerce store. Secondary options, such as Etsy, Shopify, and Amazon Handmade, get the job done. But they add to your overhead costs and may deter future customers who may have had a previous negative experience with these companies.

Those are just two of many reasons why it’s important for your company to have its own eCommerce store. We list a few additional reasons to consider below. Branding

When you utilize third-party vendors, such as Etsy, you are forced to promote your goods within the confines of this platform. Besides the banner and photos for your listings, Etsy standardizes the rest of your store. According to an eCommerce consumer psychology report, 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be the key deciding factor in a purchasing decision . Being able to design your brand on your own terms can potentially help you increase business revenue. Ecommerce marketing

Building brand awareness is a key pillar of a successful business. If you don’t have an eCommerce store or use a third-party vendor, you are behind in building your digital presence. One of the biggest ways you can fall behind is through SEO. Every element of your website has the opportunity to increase the searchability of your company. If you’re using a vendor like Shopify, the elements available to enhance the SEO of your website are limited .

If someone is looking for businesses who offer the product you are marketing, who are they more likely to find? Your limited-SEO Shopify […]

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