Four smart ways to make your eCommerce brand stand out from the crowd

So, you’ve embraced the online revolution and kicked off an eCommerce business, only to find yourself surrounded by similar brands all fighting for the same customer base … what can you do? It’s time to really make your brand stand out from the crowd, writes Shayne Tilley, head of marketing at 99designs by Vista.

It seems like just yesterday we were all talking about the importance of brands pivoting online. While having a digital presence continues to be a business essential two years into the pandemic, now there is a different focus weighing on the minds of eCommerce retailers – and that’s differentiation. How to build an unforgettable eCommerce brand

As more and more businesses continue to race to the digital high street, it’s becoming harder than ever to stand out. Therefore building a solid brand for your eCommerce business has never been more critical to ensure you make a lasting impression on customers old and new.

This goes much deeper than just a jazzy logo and catchy brand name. It’s the unique personality of your business, how customers perceive and talk about you, and how you add value to their experience.

Here’s four ways you can make your brand one to remember. 1. Nail your branding

The first thing you need to think about is your branding. Crafting a brand identity that is unique to your business and its goals is what’s going to set you apart from other businesses.

Before you dive in, you should ask yourself some key questions about your business: What makes you unique from your competitors?

What is your mission and what values drive you? Additionally, make sure you’re crystal clear on who your target market is by asking yourself: Who am I trying to reach? Who is my ideal customer? Having this clarity on your brand […]

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