5 Content Marketing Ideas for May 2022

Content marketing is a powerful tool to attract and engage potential customers. The right content is helpful, informative, and entertaining.

In May 2022, businesses can target competitors, produce reports, cover local events, profile products, and share a little brotherly love.

Here are five content marketing ideas to try in May 2022. Build on Competitors

William Slim, a British military commander in the last century, famously said, “When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take — choose the bolder.”

In May, borrow some inspiration from Slim and go after your company’s closest competitor. Identify the competitor’s top-producing content in terms of site traffic, and then produce something better.

For example, if it sold camping supplies, your retail company might compete head-to-head with REI. Using a tool such as Ahrefs or Semrush, you learn that REI’s “ Camping Checklist ” drives about 36,000 visits a month. The article is part of an introduction to a camping content series.

Go after it. Produce a topic cluster that provides 10 times the value of REI’s. Make it the best introduction-to-camping resource on the internet. If you compete with REI, why not try to produce better content? ‘State of’ Reports

The state of any topic or industry is a staple of B2B content marketing and can generate engagement for just about any company.Consulting firms may have originated this genre and still use these reports to position the business as an authority. An example is McKinsey & Company’s “ State of Fashion 2022: an uneven recovery and new frontiers .” Create a “state of” report, such as this example from McKinsey, that journalists and bloggers will want to quote and reference. The formula for “state of” reports goes like this: Identify a suitable industry trend. Survey a significant number of […]

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