Best States for Starting an Ecommerce

There are so many ways to start a digital business and many different ways to measure the successes of a digital brand. Certain states in the USA have better advantages than other states. The factors to consider are as follows: Tax Climate, Economic Outlook, Infrastructure, Financial Resources, and State Regulations. Some websites will compare these factors equally while other websites will give some categories more weight. The two websites I used to form this list were Nexcess and Digital, both weighted but at different levels of importance.

Nexcess’ Findings [scale from 0-10 (with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best)] 10. Tennessee 6.6/10

9. Indiana 6.72/10

8. Colorado 6.74/10

7. Montana 6.96/10

6. Nevada 7.04/10

5. South Dakota 7.17/10

4. Texas 7.23/10 3. North Carolina 7.71/10 2. Utah 7.89/10 1. Florida 8.88/10 Digital’s Findings (higher the number the better) 10. Nevada 9.17 9. Arizona 9.46 8. Virginia 9.5 7. South Dakota 9.65 6. Colorado 9.65 5. North Carolina 9.66 4. Texas 10.03 3. Florida 10.29 2. Washington 10.63 1. Utah 11.93 Colorado, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Utah were the states that appeared on both lists. If you are new in ecommerce research you might be surprised to see The Beehive State, Utah, ranked so highly on both lists. Utah has a decently low tax rate, is well ranked on the Small Business Policy Index (SBPI), and Utah scores highly on broadband internet coverage and internet speeds.You can make an e-commerce business anywhere and be successful. These are just some states that might make that dream a little easier.

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