Metaverse has potential to revolutionize e-commerce
E-commerce platforms can use a lot of features of Metaverse in order to enhance their processes. (AP) Agam Chaudhary Metaverse has the potential to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual world, hence merging online and offline commerce into one
Many e-commerce giants have already begun to incorporate the metaverse into their platforms
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of products and services or the transfer of data and funds over the internet. These are business transactions that occur in ways such as business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), consumer to consumer (C2C) or consumer to business (C2B).
Since the option to purchase goods over the internet was first introduced via technology, there has been a fixed divide between the real and digital worlds. This was the case until the introduction of the metaverse, a combination of multiple technologies, built to work together.
This includes a series of technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and even games. The metaverse enables multi-modal interactions with digital items, virtual environments, and real people, thus providing an immersive multi-user experience for anyone accessing it around the globe.
The metaverse is all about ‘customer experience’, which covers practices like ‘stronger engagement’ and ‘better understanding of customers’.
According to a survey conducted by Shopkick, 70% of customers believe the ability to try, touch and see products are the main aspects of an in-store experience.
This is going to be solved and fulfilled in the metaverse, as AR and VR allow the same to happen, all from the comfort of your home. Companies would benefit hugely from the metaverse, as it not only widens their consumer base but also has the potential to get reviews on new products, thus pointing them in the right direction for the future.The metaverse can […]
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