Interview With Christofir Krihkori, iShopMeta CEO: Journey From E-Commerce to I-Commerce
Tell us something about yourself.
My name is Christofir Krihkori, and I am the founder of iShopMeta. From a young age, I have been fascinated with the idea of e-commerce which is why I worked in the fields of eCommerce, international trading, supply chain, and venture investments, helping companies grow all around the world. But along the way, it dawned on me that the e-commerce era is ready to move towards an i-commerce (immersive commerce) era where it is governed by the concepts of Metaverse, NFTs, and Defi. And iShopMeta is my humble attempt to bring that dream to reality.
What is iShopMeta, and what is the purpose behind it?
Well, iShopMeta is the world’s first creator-centric, Defi-powered, physically redeemable NFT marketplace, as we like to call it. Our goal is to popularize NFT and DeFi by building the most affordable, creator-friendly, multi-chain operational, and cutting-edge NFT marketplace possible using the combined forces of DeFi & eCommerce. You can think of iShopMeta as a place where NFT meets DeFi, Metaverse, and E-commerce.
So you ’ re fascinated with the concept of Metaverse too?
Absolutely! I mean, the Metaverse is probably the only technology that can offer a virtual reality marketplace. You know, a single, unified platform for e-commerce that is accessible to everyone but also eliminates the need for separate marketplaces and allows buyers and sellers to interact with each other directly. Everyone today is diving into the Metaverse, with Facebook being the premier name. And I am not surprised. Because the global Metaverse market is expected to grow from US$46.7 Billion in 2021 to US$475 Billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 47%, according to Analytics Insights, I think that tells you all about why I decided to incorporate the concept of Metaverse to e-commerce in order to […]
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