Eight ecommerce trends to keep an eye on

You’ve prob heard this stat: the pandemic accelerated the shift to ecommerce by 5 years .
While the transition is happening, the shakeout has been anything but clean.
To wit: Shopify — the face of the ecommerce shift — has seen its stock fall 60% from recent highs due to technological (Facebook’s faltering ad business) and macro (reopening) changes. What’s next?
One of the leading resources on the industry is 2PM , which — together with Deloitte — released a report highlighting 8 ecommerce trends: Brands to drop 3rd-party retailers: To better control inventory and customer experience, brands will focus on their own channels of distribution (“Nike will be 70% direct by 2027”).
Digitally native brands will open more stores: Why? Physical locations “heighten the brand’s online halo.”
Apple’s privacy changes will have a long-lasting effect. The iPhone maker has already stymied Facebook’s ad tracking and is on track to build its own ad empire.
Rising customer acquisition costs force companies to invest in their own content to reach future customers (*cough* like HubSpot buying The Hustle *cough*).
Payments is a battleground: The US is only 8th in mobile payments adoption. Increasing adoption is a huge biz opportunity. Big retailers like Amazon and Walmart will continue to buy up planes and ships to avoid future supply chain disruptions. The future of malls could be as logistic hubs for ecommerce, especially as product return sites. Web3 more than a fad: Brands will have to figure out their metaverse and blockchain strategies. You can read the whole report here . As for us, there’s only one ironclad prediction: By 2027, we’ll still be ordering toilet paper from Amazon.
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