Amazon launches augmented reality features on their ecommerce App

Amazon has launched Amazon View in their app, allowing customers to see products in their home in 3D prior to making a purchase.

Amazon View is available for customers to use on the Amazon ecommerce app. This feature lets customers virtually place items from Amazon into rooms in their home to see how they would look and gage whether they would fit. This feature makes interior designing easier for Amazon customers.

To use Amazon View all you need to do is launch the app and to the right of the search bar there should be a camera icon on which you click. Once in the camera scroll to the option to the option labelled View in Your Room, then select a product to place in the room.

So far, this feature is available on iPhone 6S and newer, running iOS 11.0 and newer. It is also available on Androids that have the AR core app installed, which is only supported on Android 7.0 and newer. This feature is also currently not available in India but is likely to be soon.

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