How to create personal prosperity this year (PART 1)

Agada There are two kinds of economy that must prosper to make this year better than last year for you. The first is the global economy. This is the economy that affects the prices of goods and services. This economy has the least impact on your personal prosperity.

The second is your personal economy. This is the economy that affects your purchasing power, financial stability, and personal peace of mind. This is the economy with the greatest impact on your personal life. Thankfully this economy is within your control, and you can create a prosperous personal economy regardless of the state of the global economy.

This is true because in every economy and at the end of every year there are two categories of people. The first are the winners that end the year with more prosperity and the second are the losers that end the year losing their prosperity. Thus, there is no question that every year brings with it prosperity opportunities.

The big question is will you locate your own prosperity this year? What do you need to do to prosper regardless of the state of the global economy? And what steps must you take different from last year especially when you have a track record of carryover unachieved goals every year?

The answer is simple. To create a prosperous personal economy this year you must master how to do three things well.

The first is to understand the advantages or upsides and the limitations or downsides that you bring into the year. Everyone comes into a year with upsides and downsides. Thus, one of the things that will determine your success this year is what you bring into the year.

The second is the opportunities that exist in the year and whether you can position and leverage those opportunities well.

The third is […]

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