eCommerce penetration in rural India – Challenges, barriers, and solutions

The immense untapped potential of the rural market is something that can boost the distribution of eCommerce businesses across India.

eCommerce has been a business that has been booming for quite some time now. These eCommerce businesses have utilised the unreal potential of the internet to the maximum and invaded every nook and corner of India. As per reports, it’s a surprising fact that rural India has 20% more active internet users than urban India. With 70% of the population residing in rural India, there lies a vast under-utilised market for the eCommerce industry to explore.

In my time in the industry, I have seen thousands of businesses moving online over the years to the best out of the potential of the internet. Even brick-and-mortar stores have found it easy to adapt to the online world and reach a wider audience. And the COVID19 disruption has proven to be a powerful catalyst in accelerating this change. It’s a no-brainer that businesses find it more convenient and profitable to have an online presence. And we can say the same for consumers who are spoiled with choices of brands, comfort, and even better pricing. So then, what’s stopping eCommerce businesses from flourishing in rural India?

While high internet speeds and access to mobile phones have penetrated rural India, along with the mass reverse migration that happened due to Covid-19, the eCommerce market remains elusive. Although there is a tremendous opportunity for consumer brands in rural India, it still lacks the reach and the trust that the users in rural India desires.

The demand potential of rural India has taken a liking to the surge of the internet to the remotest corners of India. In recent years, there has been a surge in consumers from rural India taking advantage of the penetration of eCommerce platforms. […]

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