Spain 2022: Ecommerce Country Report

Download the RetailX Spain 2022 report for deep dive insight into Spain’s B2C market, including leading retailers, shopping preferences and digital maturity.

Retailers and brands will come away with a clear overview of the general market context, all the way through to intricacies in consumer behaviour. In particular, the report focuses on Spain’s increasing digital maturity as a result of people flocking online during the pandemic, as well as what this means for merchants.

Delivery preferences are also a key aspect of this report and we delve into the expectations of Spanish consumers who are increasingly accustomed to speedy delivery options – some as fast as 30 minutes.

We also look closely at retailers from Spain, France, the USA, China, Germany and other countries which have invested in reaching Spain’s consumers. While examining Spain’s largest 100 retailers, we also investigate their web traffic by sector, revenue, gross profit and more.

Plus, find detailed company case studies on El Corte Inglés, one of the largest retailers in Spain; as well as department store Inditex and fast fashion giant, Mercadona and discover how they are making an impact on customers in Spain.

Download the full report now and learn more about: How Spanish consumers are shopping in an increasingly digital world.

How Spain ranks across our performance indices, including Logistics Performance Index, Internet Inclusivity Index and Ease of Doing Business.

Why Marketplaces are set to gain the most from increased consumer spending. Report highlights: Market-leading research into the current state of ecommerce in Spain, including social ecommerce, cross-border trade and digital maturity. Detailed company case studies on El Corte Inglés, Inditex and Mercadona. 22 illustrative figures and graphs

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