MRC Crypto Summit Brings Together Industry Experts to Explore How Cryptocurrency is Changing eCommerce
Classified in: Science and technology , Business
Subjects: TDS , FVT
The highly anticipated virtual summit will focus on everything cryptocurrency, including how merchants can safely accept crypto, the current state of anonymity, tools for successful crypto processing, and much more.
SEATTLE, Aug. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Merchant Risk Council (MRC) is hosting a virtual summit focused on the past, present, and future of crypto as related to global eCommerce payment acceptance and fraud mitigation.
The online Crypto Summit , hosted on 13 September 2022 and sponsored by Sift, promises industry-leading speakers examining how modern eCommerce is being shaped by the rapid expansion of this alternative payment method.
“Obviously cryptocurrency is a hot topic right now,” said Julie Fergerson, CEO of the Merchant Risk Council. “But we wanted to go beyond the common talking points like volatility and crypto as a speculation vehicle and instead focus on its very real potential as a payment option. With this summit, we’re hoping to help merchants learn how to implement and accept digital currencies. We want to examine the opportunities crypto offers, as well as obstacles that still need to be overcome.”
The event will cover a wide variety of topics, with presentations from industry leaders like Google, Microsoft,, and more, and a keynote panel with subject matter experts in the crypto space: the co-founder of digital payments company Flexa, Trevor Filter, and Tony Gallippi, co-founder of Bitcoin payment service provider BitPay.
“It’s a super exciting lineup of topics and speakers ,” says Julie. “We have experts that can articulate the unique concerns merchants are facing when deciding to accept crypto. I’m looking forward to getting the perspective of law enforcement too; a presenter from Europol will walk us through current state of anonymity in crypto transactions. Anyone interested in the blockchain, […]
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