Full-Service eCommerce Platform: German Expertise

eCommerce pioneer Maurice Glißmann, founder and CEO of AMZSCALE What is the best way for brands to get started in eCommerce? What opportunities do already established brands have to develop further in the buoyant market? We talked to eCommerce pioneer Maurice Glißmann, founder and CEO of AMZSCALE, about the opportunities and benefits of a full-service platform. AMZSCALE has evolved from a full-service brand building agency to an all-in-one platform for e-commerce brands. What does that mean specifically, and how exactly have your services changed?

First, we are extremely proud of our development and the successes that have come with it since our foundation in 2016. We have been able to expand our customer base sustainably and in the long term, creating a successful all-in-one platform which provides existing eCommerce brands with every necessary tool to successfully manage and grow their brand.

Our multiple brand building services, which we offered as an agency the last three years, are also implemented on our platform. This means, we are not only the place-to-go for existing eCommerce brands, but also for everyone interested in joining the eCommerce-boom with an own brand. However, as a one-stop solution, our platform offers much more than just the brand building services – as mentioned above, we provide all the necessary tools for eCommerce brands!

These include: a profit dashboard, which monitors every essential KPI of the brand, a PPC- and order-management tool, logistics for the brand-products, a refund tool, as well as an automated creation of complementary products to the own product to expand or diversify the brand’s product portfolio – just to name a few.

As one can see, our wide range of tools and services can be seen as the one-stop-solution for the optimization and/or entry in the eCommerce-boom. Which companies and individuals does this approach target […]

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