BigCommerce Acquires BundleB2B – Aiming To Become Most Powerful eCommerce Platform
BigCommerce, a leading Open SaaS eCommerce platform for fast-growing and established B2C and B2B brands, today announced the acquisition of BundleB2B , a longtime BigCommerce technology partner that provides next-level B2B functionality for BigCommerce merchants.
The deal follows the company’s recent acquisition of B2B Ninja , a premier enterprise quoting solution, and furthers BigCommerce’s ability to deliver dynamic powerful eCommerce functionality to B2B merchants at a time when B2B eCommerce continues to boom.
The global B2B eCommerce market is estimated to reach $25.65 trillion by 2028, growing at more than 18% annually. Today’s acquisition of BundleB2B gives merchants the tools to offer B2B buyers an optimal eCommerce experience. “Consumer brands may have pioneered eCommerce, but B2B companies are quickly catching up,”
“At BigCommerce, we provide a platform that is easier to use and faster than legacy B2B solutions and more flexible and powerful than other SaaS platforms. This acquisition further cements our commitment to being the best eCommerce option for B2B merchants.” Brent Bellm, CEO, BigCommerce. BigCommerce & BundleB2B
BundleB2B was built exclusively for B2B merchants of BigCommerce, coupling existing enterprise-focused capabilities with advanced, easily configurable B2B functionality that saves time, automates manual processes, and shortens sales cycles, including: Account Management to allow for multiple tiers of buyers with specific permissions based on their roles
Order Tools including shared shopping lists and buy again functionality to improve the customer purchase experience
Quote Management to allow shoppers to request a quote directly from the merchant’s storefront
Sales Rep Masquerade to enable the merchant’s sales team to assist customers in the purchasing process The two companies have been partnering closely to deliver BigCommerce B2B Edition , an advanced suite of B2B functionalities that has experienced significant growth since its launch in June 2021. B2B Edition expanded on existing features and streamlined onboarding, support, and […]
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